In case you’ve never had a hosting account or you’re switching companies and the new one deploys an account administration interface that you have not seen so far, you may get baffled about how to do a particular task in your account or on your personal computer. That’s the reason why, a lot of providers have created a knowledge base, which includes the most popular questions and issues pertaining to their platform, instead of adding only generic information. Such a knowledge base will enable you to find the desired information quickly and easily, so you won’t have to devote lots of time and energy to things that might require something as elementary as pressing a button or checking a tick box. Thus, not only can you get stuff done, but you can also get to know tons of new and important things, both about the way you can manage your account and about the way the hosting service works in general.
Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Hosting
All Linux shared hosting that we offer include an extensive knowledge base where you can find all you may ever need to know in regard to your hosting account. Irrespective of whether you’d like to set up a new MySQL database, to forward a domain name by means of an .htaccess file or to set up an e-mail account on your PC or phone, you can simply read our help articles and all the information that you need will be there. When you go to a particular section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you can see articles that are dedicated to the features that can be accessed through it. If you prefer to see the full article collection and get acquainted with all the features that Hepsia is offering, or simply to read generic information about the hosting service, you can browse the entire knowledge base, which can be accessed via the Help menu in your Control Panel. We’ve done our very best to encompass any complication that you could face, but in case you do not find the info that you are seeking, you can always get in touch with us, as our customer care staff members are available to you 24/7.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Servers
The Help section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with our semi-dedicated servers, will allow you to access the comprehensive online help documentation that we’ve compiled for you. The articles themselves include generic information on our web hosting services, instructive tutorials about the various features that you can access, plus troubleshooting guidelines that can help you resolve common issues that you might stumble upon. The topics that we have included encompass more or less everything, from elementary things such as how to host a brand-new domain name in your account, to more intricate ones such as which SSH commands can be executed on the servers. Relevant articles about the features of a given section of the Control Panel will always be available in the right corner of the page that you’re on, whereas the complete article list can be accessed through the dedicated Help section.